The third wall is complete – all the studs are in and the three windows (yes, three!) are framed out.

Moving toward sustainability
Got cracking on the big wall that runs the entire length of the house–20 feet long.
It turned out I was no match for my most fearsome nemesis:
I started adding in studs, spacing them out with blockers as required, however after a few hours I started getting dizzy and nauseous, so I called it a day.
Now before you ask, yes, I was drinking water: I downed a 32 litre bottle in no time. The issue was I wasn’t drinking enough water, and I probably should’ve taken some salt.
Sorry for the lack of updates!
I’ve been working on the third wall — the 20′ long one that runs the entire length of the house.
As of now, I have the studs all cut (will have to go back later and cut the headers and cripples for the windows).
Last weekend, I assembled the “outline” of the wall: the first and last stud, the top and sole plates.
The biggest challenge was getting the sole plate around the wheel well and spare tire hitch. I messed up and mis-cut the wood for the wheel well, but the spare tire hitch went well.
The next step is to cut the wood for the cross-beams between studs, then install them and the remaining studs.